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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Don't Believe A Word The Media Says

I am getting sick and tired of hearing the media chirp about how the Liberal Party is in such disarray, I think they are completely lying and being dishonest about the real situation. The party is trying to heal old wounds and it seems to be working. I love these predictions about them saying Frank McKenna not running is a blow to the Liberal Party, that is total horseshit, McKenna not running is the best thing that could happen to the liberal party, it has been years since we have had a good policy discussion in the liberal party and it's what we need. I think people have to realize that we have vote for the next leader based on what's good for the party.

Unless Gerard Kennedy runs, my support is wide open for any leader, the next leader is going to have to capture my imagination, convince me that they can defeat Stephen Harper, convince me that they can garner support all across Canada, and does not have too many skeletons in there closet.

That said I can tell you what I'm looking for.

1) Someone who can appeal to all Canadians.
2) Someone who can slaughter Harper in a debate.
3) Someone who talks and sounds like a Prime minister.
4) Someone who has Charisma


Anonymous said...

Iggy is one possible candidate. He fits every thing on your list.

Spending most of his life out of Canada, however, may be the reason that can stop him from running. If he can overcome this problem and think of something that can take people's attention out of that fact, he suits a prime ministerial position really well.

Mark said...

You have hit the nail on the head. In fact you have hit nearly every nail on its head.

Great, great posting.

Anonymous said...

I agree positively. I heard him speak at the Libs. conference and was very impressed. I understand that when he ran in his Toronto riding a alot of people were against him, but once voters listened to him they were very impressed. Everything was against this guy when he entered this race, but he won. I hope we will hear more from him.

Nathan Hewitson said...

Why criticize the media? They're right, our party in currently in disarray. Let's not forget that even though the CPC won the election and are working on their transition to power, it's the Liberals that dominate headlines and that's good. As for Kennedy, he's a pussy and he has no stones. If he's leader I quit. As for Ignatieff, he's tight-lipped on the issue. I say we torture him for an answer (since he thinks torture is ok).