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Sunday, December 18, 2005

I'm Back!!!

I know It's been over three months since my last post, But I've been trying to gain access to this blog I forgot my username actually, but anyway, I know many things have been happening since August of 2005. As you already know The Federal Election is already underway, I'm going to give my thoughts on the first few weeks of this campaign.

The Debate on Friday was a strange one, I however believe in all honesty Paul Martin was the strongest debater out of all four, I can remember every second of the debate, Nobody did it better then Mr. Martin, Mr. Martin clearly had a plan and it worked well. Jack Layton was a strong second, but I really think the problem with Mr. Layton is he's all about Buzzwords and jingles, he sounded like a television commercial everytime he spoke during the debate, he kept using the same old tired lines we've heard over and over.

Stephen Harper... oh god what can I say positive about his performance, it was kind of mundane, he was very boring, he wasn't flashy and he seemed in my opinion to be really quiet and not very noticeable, he never at any time really stood out.

Gilles Duceppe however was the worst one of the group by far, and you thought you'd never hear me say that! But it's true, Gilles was even worse then Harper, he served no purpose in this debate except to just screw around, he really didn't have to say anything he can pretty much sleep till the election and still do very well in Quebec.

Still the defining moment of that debate is Paul Martin showing a fire and spark for the first time in... well... forever. Martin got passionate and you could see it, that was no performance and that was not any trick, that was raw emotion folks, I could feel it, I could feel that was real.

Overall the Debate was very boring, there was no great lines, no punchouts, no nothing. It was blah.

But here's what I believe the Liberal strategy has been during this campaign.

They've made the smart move laying off on promises, this limits Harper from attacking Liberal Platform Policies that they might bring up. Mr. Harper however has given Martin ammunition when it comes to Mr. Harper's pathetic Child Care Tax Credit and his 2% GST Cut. Make no mistake, the Child Tax Credit gives Parents 100 bucks a month to spend on their child and that will not help take care of a family. 100 bucks a month doesn't cut it when it comes to raising a family in this day and age. That money will not be used on beer and popcorn as suggested by scott reid, but the problem is it's just not a good plan, it might sound good in theory but it could never work in practice.

Mr. Harper also today announced he was going to pay more attention to British Columbia, well I am glad Mr. Harper's discovered BC, I wonder where the man has been all this time. British Columbia no longer likes the Conservative Party any more. They see the tories as not representing their interests and they have not been.

Paul Martin has invested more money in British Columbia then any other government in Canada has. BC finally has a balanced Budget, everything in British Columbia is looking bright and it's thanks to the wise investments made by Mr. Martin. Of course Partisan Tories are going to disagree with me on this but I say. BRING IT ON!

1 comment:

Jack said...

I'm not from BC I'm from Oakville, Ontario. I do think Ralph Klein runs a great province even if I think some of his ideas aren't really good. I do think Alberta is going in the right direction in terms of health care. I believe sticking to Alberta's plan on fiscal policy would work. I'd like to point out that I'm a person who votes based on Same Sex Marriage and Abortion issues (currently) that might change going into the future. I cannot trust the tories on either issue. so that leaves me with the NDP and Liberals. I'll choose the Liberal to beat the tory.