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Saturday, June 18, 2005

Does This Look Familiar?

The picture you are seeing above is of Robert Stanfield, this is an infamous photograph of him fumbling a football in 1974, this photograph is usually blamed by Tories for causing the defeat of Stanfield in the 1974 election, it was said that Stanfield looked out of place next to the Charismatic Pierre Elliott Trudeau, he came across as boring and daft, he also had held Trudeau to minority government in the previous election in 1972, mostly do to some of the unpopular policies of the Trudeau Government. Many thought Stanfield had a chance but until this photograph surfaced he lost.

The picture I am now showing you is almost 20 years after the Stanfield incident, this is of another Conservative Leader, Stephen Harper, he was labeled by the press as being angry, boring and lacking charisma. The Martin Government was reduced to a minority after the 2004 election, this photograph surfaced on June 16, 2005. Harper said he was also going to beginning hitting the Summer Barbecque Circuit. Well Stephen, you might know how to flip burgers and your football game is questionable, but one thing is not questionable. Can you lead Canada, Definitely Not!


Hishighness said...

Personal Foul! Unnessesary Conservativeness, 15 seats to the Liberals. First Down and 5 years To Go!

James Bowie said...

Also like Stanfield, Harper is an opposition leader in a minority parliament. (a la Trudeau 1974-76.)

Also like Stanfield, that minority will last approximately two years.

Also like Stanfield, Harper will never be Prime Minister. (This makes Harper the first person to lead the Tories into an election and never become PM since Stanfield. Campbell was PM, so were Mulroney and Clark.)

Also like stanfield, I mention his name at parties, and Canadians say "who?"