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Saturday, April 09, 2005

Harper & Same-Sex Marriage

So 15,000 people showed up to protest same-sex marriage and you know what, they can protest all they want because the truth is that a silent majority of Canadians support same-sex marriage, have you noticed how almost every poll that has been shown has shown a majority supporting Same-Sex Marriage. I say this because it's the truth, have you noticed how the only views getting out are from those in opposition to it? I'll tell you why, because the people who support SSM already know there is not one thing the people opposing it can do to stop it. Sure the Pro-Straight Marriage crowd can whine and snarl and hiss all they like but it won't change a goddamn thing! We have the votes and that is the problem with this Pro-Marriage lobby, they are a small and insignificant part of the country and the only reason they've been more vocal is because the radical right-wing Focus on the Family has been sending huge funds to their brothers that are located in Langley, British Columbia. I have nothing wrong with Christians I absolutely abhor the radical wing-nuts who hijack religion and tell false truths about it. IN CASE THESE PEOPLE HAVE NOT NOTICED, SAME-SEX MARRIAGES HAVE BEEN GOING ON FOR 2 YEARS! What does it matter if we allow same-sex marriage all over Canada? What difference will it make, I want to hear arguments against same-sex marriage that do not regard the following: The Bible, Marriage has been around for thousands of years, That it somehow effects children, or that it destroys society. THE TRUTH IS, it just does not! FYI: I know a friend of mine who has been raised by a gay couple since his mother died and he has turned out alright. But I do agree, children should have the right to choose who they should live with. BUT WHAT THE LAWMAKERS FORGET is that Children will probably stay with whoever takes care of them, it's just the truth. I also should bring the argument that there is a statistic that conservatives love to bring up its the (Gays are only 3% of the population one) THERE YOU HAVE IT! What possible effect could 3% of the population being married have on you? The Answer? Nothing! Not one thing can harm you, people have still been getting married and it is still a very beautiful thing, I argue that Same-Sex Marriage can strengthen marriage by allowing a whole new group of people who never have been married to get married. The fact is there are many positives that people just do not see. We all sin! It's just the truth so why should we be so afraid of gay marriage? The Religious right is screaming bloody murder, yet if they actually took 5 minutes and tried to look at what I have said they might just be converted!


Jack said...

I still think there is a silent majority.

ALW said...

I support SSM, but you seem to be saying it's only the right thing to do because a "silent majority" of Canadians feel that way. Well, what if it's not a majority, then are you against SSM?

You'd also do well to avoid being a hypocrite when it comes to tolerance: Liberals like to pretend they're so much more open and diverse, but it's quite rude to call the 40-50% of the population who prefer traditional marriage as being "religious right wingers".