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Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Why BC-STV Is Not A Good Choice

Before I start my blog for the day, I'd like to congratulate Pope Benedict XVI on his election as pope of the Roman Catholic church, that being said. I want to talk about the BC-STV, in British Columbia May 17th, the people will vote for a new government and on a referendum that basically would change the way people would vote in the province. The proponents of this system believe the election would be more fairer, easier and more choices. However their are many flaws with this voting situation.

What will people do in the next election?

What about those voters who are elderly and for all their life have just had to check an x in the box every time they went to vote, do you know how much time it would take just to tell these people the new system? I also find BC-STV completely confusing myself and would rather see Instant Runoff Voting implemented

Endless Minority Governments

This is the biggest negative of BC-STV, the vote will almost always result in a minority government and would force people back to the polls every certain amount of years, Instant Runoff voting like in Australia has worked very well and has never yet elected a minority government under that system.

Way too confusing

Canadians are simple people and we all have to put up with bureaucracy in the government, This radical change in voting would make people have no clue about what they are doing, it's almost like they have to learn how to vote again. An X beside a check box is a lot easier then going through a ranking process. Though the average person can do this, What about seniors? I said seniors because I am unsure they will not know what is going on. The majority of Canadians want to vote for one specific party and not have to go through a rediculous ranking process!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Thinking about Voting CPC? Hold it!

I know everyone is royally pissed at the Liberals, they have the right to be. But do you really want to run to Stephen Harper? I'd be more comfortable knowing Jack Layton would be elected PM then Harper, but it's not going to happen. Let me tell you reasons not to vote for the Conservative Party, (Please don't get mad at me these are just my views, not yours).

1. Where do they stand?

This is the biggest problem with the CPC, I don't have a clue where they stand. One day they are raging right-wingers, the next they are moderates! The "hidden agenda" thing the liberals talk about, actually makes a lot of sense. Cheryl Gallant made a revelation that a CPC Government would repeal Bill C-250. Which will then allow more anti-gay bigotry into this country. What about Health Care?

2. Do you really want Stockwell Day as Foreign Affairs Minister?

I certainly don't, Stockwell Day does not represent the Average Canadian, he represents the Average Albertan. His views are staunchly pro-israel and pro-us (due to his support for the Iraq War).

3. Childish Actions

It's occured to me that the Conservatives are so completely childish, yesterday they were caught singing "Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. Hey, Hey, Hey. Goodbye!" Other childish actions have been courtesy of how horrendous their attacks are on the liberal party. Trust me the Libs do deserve it, but they do not deserve it this bad.

4. Lack of Experience

Stephen Harper likes to take about how young his caucus is and how diverse the party is. But the truth is many of their MP's are way too young and inexperienced to be even considered for a cabinet position.

5. Staunch Pro-US Views

I agree anti-americanism is rampant, but we do not need someone who will be George W. Bush's Lap Poodle. Stephen Harper is a strong supporter of the war in Iraq, and if he was PM at that time he would have sent our young men and women to die for corporate profiteers. He also will re-open negotiations with the Americans on Missile Defense, which Canadians are strongly against.

Those were the reason's I gave. I know some of you probably think I'm an idiot, but that's how I see the Conservative Party in my view.

Monday, April 11, 2005

The Latest Polls

A new poll from the Toronto Star in conjunction with EKOS got released and it showed the following: CPC 36%, LIBS 25%, NDP 20% and BQ 12% (50% in Quebec), While this is a damning poll and it's scary if your a Liberal. I'm here to offer all lefties a reason not to slit their wrists. So long as we can convince the NDP that Jack Layton won't become prime minister and that it's a lot better that you keep Paul Martin in Office rather then Stephen Harper. What we could do is something that should be done, the re-unification of the left. We will then be able to destroy the CPC! However I sincerely believe this poll is ridiculous. A Prominant Liberal from 80soft.com, Nick Boragina said the following about EKOS:

When Ekos said the NDP was at 34%, ahead of the tories and grits, in 1987, all Tories and Grits said it was not true

When Ekos said the Liberals were at 17% in 1984, no liberal would believe it

When Ekos said the Tories were at 6% in 1998, they all cried foul

When Ekos said the NDP was at 17%, and the Alliance at 7% people had a good chuckle

When Ekos said the new merged party was at 13%, behind the NDP, all the Tories said it was not true

It shocks me that anyone believes anything Ekos has to say show me something from Environics, SES, or if you have to, Compass, Leger, or even Ipsos Reid. I dont believe anything Ekos has to say.

Well he is right, In fact I believe that there was no way that the Conservatives would have been behind the NDP when they merged together. Liberals and Lefties do not panic, people will be in no way ready to jump to the CPC especially when it's lead by someone as boring and unexciting as Stephen Harper. Keep the Faith!

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Harper & Same-Sex Marriage

So 15,000 people showed up to protest same-sex marriage and you know what, they can protest all they want because the truth is that a silent majority of Canadians support same-sex marriage, have you noticed how almost every poll that has been shown has shown a majority supporting Same-Sex Marriage. I say this because it's the truth, have you noticed how the only views getting out are from those in opposition to it? I'll tell you why, because the people who support SSM already know there is not one thing the people opposing it can do to stop it. Sure the Pro-Straight Marriage crowd can whine and snarl and hiss all they like but it won't change a goddamn thing! We have the votes and that is the problem with this Pro-Marriage lobby, they are a small and insignificant part of the country and the only reason they've been more vocal is because the radical right-wing Focus on the Family has been sending huge funds to their brothers that are located in Langley, British Columbia. I have nothing wrong with Christians I absolutely abhor the radical wing-nuts who hijack religion and tell false truths about it. IN CASE THESE PEOPLE HAVE NOT NOTICED, SAME-SEX MARRIAGES HAVE BEEN GOING ON FOR 2 YEARS! What does it matter if we allow same-sex marriage all over Canada? What difference will it make, I want to hear arguments against same-sex marriage that do not regard the following: The Bible, Marriage has been around for thousands of years, That it somehow effects children, or that it destroys society. THE TRUTH IS, it just does not! FYI: I know a friend of mine who has been raised by a gay couple since his mother died and he has turned out alright. But I do agree, children should have the right to choose who they should live with. BUT WHAT THE LAWMAKERS FORGET is that Children will probably stay with whoever takes care of them, it's just the truth. I also should bring the argument that there is a statistic that conservatives love to bring up its the (Gays are only 3% of the population one) THERE YOU HAVE IT! What possible effect could 3% of the population being married have on you? The Answer? Nothing! Not one thing can harm you, people have still been getting married and it is still a very beautiful thing, I argue that Same-Sex Marriage can strengthen marriage by allowing a whole new group of people who never have been married to get married. The fact is there are many positives that people just do not see. We all sin! It's just the truth so why should we be so afraid of gay marriage? The Religious right is screaming bloody murder, yet if they actually took 5 minutes and tried to look at what I have said they might just be converted!