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Monday, August 28, 2006

Why Borys Wrzesnewskyj is foolish

Before, I make this point. I realize I'm going to get some flack from my liberal friends and perhaps some Conservatives will cheer this, but the point has to be made.

What Borys Wrzesnewskyj has said has been foolish. Let me also say that for the past few weeks the Liberal Party has fallen in to Stephen Harper's traps and in that part Harper has successfully divided the Liberal Party. Borys Wrzesnewskyj's Idiotic comments about negotiating with Hezbollah begs the question, exactly what the hell was he thinking?

I can tell you for sure Borys definitely wasn't thinking whatsoever. In the past few weeks the Liberal Party has become a joke, I know you won't like me to say it but really they have. We have no clear position on terrorism and the Middle East, we have a former defense critic actually asking to negotiate with Hezbollah, which is seen by a clear majority as a terrorist organization. On top of that we have suffered a defection of Gerry Schwartz and Heather Reisman to the Conservative Party over their position on Israel.

Do I blame Bill Graham, no. Personally I think the way this is going the Liberals are completely screwed, though I'm never going to say never. It just doesn't look great. We need to get back to issues personally I think we have to stop screwing around and get our act together. The caucus meeting helped alot but still, we can do a hell of a lot better!

I know many people will take issue with my criticism but this is the truth and if we as liberals cannot look in the mirror and realize what a mess this party is then we are never going to win.


leftdog said...

I will argue this one point. When Tony Blair apologized to the Irish people for decades of injustice and made a commitment to actually discuss issues, the Irish Republican Army in Northern Ireland, laid down their weapons and talks continue. You no longer hear of bombings, shootings, emotion charged marches through Derry.

Borys was NOT wrong when he said that Israel and other nations may simply have to talk to Hezbollah.

An editorial in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz said the SAME thing that Borys said last week:

If some Israeli's are begining to recognize that talks are inevitable, why condemn Borys? Why not condemn Jason Kenney for being a hypocrite for DOING what Borys merely SUGGESTED.

Anonymous said...

To this post, it is very good as a conservative right now it is funny to see the libs like this. But like you said never say never and anyone who counts out the liberals is not thinking straight.

I will enjoy this till december then the libs will have a leader and we can say whats what.

I don't think you will see Harper go any higher in the polls either till there is a new liberal leader then people will be able to stack Harper againts a person not a party.

Great post it is good to see some liberals worried about the party not about being out of power only.


That is a dumb comparison, the IRA never question the right for england to exsist. That is the kind of stuff that hurts the liberal party.

What don't you grasp about hezzballoh wanting the destruction of Israel.

Anonymous said...

This issue is OVER - time to move on.

Red Tory said...

“Falling into the trap” was condemning Wrzesnewskyj, feigning outrage over his remarks and forcing him to resign. The fact of the matter is that what he proposed was just common sense. Backdoor negotiations are already going on between the major players in this conflict, so the only possibly ridiculous thing was the suggestion that Canada actually had any weight to throw around in the discussions.

Anonymous said...

I think Mr. Borys during his visist saw with his own eyes the crimes done by Israel on Lebanese civilians, and the lies in the western media for covering up these crimes and massacres...all this made him say his comments based on his emotions disregarding the powerfull zionist Lobby in Canada that will shoot him down politically. but I think mr. Borys will get the support of muslim community in etobicoke for acting in a humanitarian way. as well as his own supporters. I really respect him...but I think he should've been very carfull in dealing with the dark forces in the governemet

Hishighness said...

Well, you gotta wait until we get a leader. If it's Iggy or Dryden or especially Rae then we're screwed.

But for all intents and purposes right now we're a rudderless ship, that's why we're all over the map. Once we get a leader and he puts his stamp on things the parties views will become much clearer.

Also, we have one MAJOR advantage in the current parliamentary standings. No one can defeat the government without our support, of course Harper could call an election but I doubt he wants to chance power provide how long he had to wait to obtain it. So we'll have plenty of time after we elect a leader to find our identity.

As for the Hezbollah comment, I do have to agree with you. It was stupid. We should negotiate with the government of Lebanon. I do support Israel in this though o I'm probably bias.