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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Does Wittle Baby Harper Need a Bottle?

Stephen Harper has done it again, Little Stevie has started to once again act his shoe size and not his age. The latest spectacle of Harper follows that old Conservative Conspiracy Theory and well-known tradition that the Media is run by a bunch of liberals out to get them.

Mr. Harper's behaviour is outrageous and unbefitting of a prime minister, his temper tantrums and outbursts are complete undignified and unpriministerial, you can say what you want but Mr. Harper has been acting like a school yard bully and his lack of respect for everyone around him is really despicable.

Mr. Harper has no right to claim the media is biased against him, The media is biased against him because he has given them a reason to be biased against him, he has thumbed his nose at the media and treated them like dirt so he should expect to get the same treatment right back at him. Once again, I should point out that is another example of Mr. Harper "cutting and running" from his problems.

Mr. Harper has decided that rather then suck it up and take the media's questions like a man he has decided to give the media the finger and run like the little cowardly man he is. Mr. Harper is extremely unwise to treat the media like this, there is an old saying from the Godfather that goes "keep your friends close, but your enemies closer." Mr. Harper is extremely foolish to have tarnished the great relations he had been having with the media up until his swearing-in ceremony.

So Mr. Harper, how about you go back to crib and stop shaking your rattle everytime you don't get your way. Like the Rolling Stones said "You Can't Always Get What You Want." So suck it up, Stevie.


Anonymous said...

What Mr. Harper needs is exercise and a balanced diet. It would clear his head and reduce the prime ministerial bay window. If he wants some hints, he could look at Hedy Fry's blog which has a post, "Obesity a National Issue."

Anonymous said...

Harper won't answer any press questions?!

What a marvellous opportunity for some enterprising Dipper or Liberal MP to help the Prime Minister and fill the gap.

He or she should volunteer to help by calling a press conference, inviting the press to ask questions they wished the PM to answer, and to answer those questions on behalf of the PM.

That way, the press gets what they want, the voters get information on the PM's policies (including those hidden from view so far), and we can move on.

And if Harper decides to pull the same stunt again, the same bit of help can be forthcoming.
