I know I'm probably going to take heat for deviating from the Liberal Line here.
First of all, No matter who you are, Tom Lukiwski's comments were offensive, disgusting and repugnant. That being said he should at the very least resign from his parliamentary secretary job. That being said I want to delve into the tape and talk about why Mr. Lukiwski said the things he said.
Number One, I know Mr. Lukiwski's record on Gay Rights are not good. He's voted against Gay Marriage three times.
Number Two, I'm not somebody who is going to call people a homophobe for voting against Gay Marriage unless they said some really despicable things during a debate in the House of Commons.
Number Three, You have to realize the time, this is 1991 we are talking about. At that time Homosexuality was still not as accepted as it is today, secondly, you have to watch the Video's Context, this guy was likely drunk off his ass (see the beer bottle in his hand), I'm not saying that gets him off scot-free, but I truly do think the alcohol in his system was a contributing factor.
Personally, I think this is just Mr. Lukiwski being an idiot, If you watch the entire video you can easily tell these are people just having a little too much fun and having had way too much to drink. Now I've never been drunk, but I can definitely tell you that people do not act the way they normally do when they are (Trust me, I've been around people that are drunk, and while they may say things that aren't normal, I don't believe they aren't the people who they truly are for a second). The video in my opinion is pretty much a drunken frat party.
And I know Gay Rights groups want to make a big deal out of this and I understand why, but look, if the Prime Minister will Repudiate the comments then I will consider the matter case closed.
Even though I'm a liberal, I think Mr. Lukiwski, the person himself has been raked through the coals enough, he should still have the decency to resign his Secretary post.